Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Better Breakfast = A Better You

Starting out your day with a filling and nutritious breakfast is essential if you want to live a healthy lifestyle and lose or maintain a healthy weight. Think of breakfast as a starting off the day with a clean slate, this is the first thing that you're going to eat for the day so make it as healthy as possible and then it will transcend into the rest of your day.

The one misconception that people have is what, when, and how to eat breakfast. Let's break down the fast:


You should eat breakfast ideally within the first hour of waking up because the sooner you eat something in the morning, the sooner your metabolism will jump start and that means more energy which means burning fat and calories. Speaking of speeding up your metabolism, you should ideally eat every 3-4 hours throughout the day so your metabolism stays up and your blood sugar doesn't drop and get the best of you (aka hungry horribles!).


When making your breakfast make sure that you're getting enough fiber, protein, and not too many calories or saturated fat. I emphasize the word "too" because you want a substantial breakfast so you want your calorie intake to be about 200-300 calories. That may seem like a lot but it also translates into less snacking later on in the afternoon hours. Making sure you get enough fiber in your breakfast is key to feeling full and it also helps your digestive system in the morning (I don't think I have to get into details here). Also make sure that the food that you're eating is not processed or has a laundry list of ingredients, instead eat whole and more natural foods.


By creating a breakfast on the premise of whole and foods from Mother Nature (and not Brother Box) you will feel fuller and more satisfied in the morning and throughout the day. Now how do you make a healthy breakfast well I suggest starting out with either old fashioned Irish style oatmeal or steel cut oatmeal. Don't buy any of this box oatmeal cereals because they are loaded with sugar, added calories, and a long list of chemically altered ingredients. What I suggest is taking either frozen blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, or raspberries and sprinkling them on the top of your oatmeal, just enough so it covers the top of the bowl. Microwave that for about a few minutes and the berries will give the oatmeal a great taste and supply you with a healthy and natural serving of fruit and antioxidants. At this point sprinkle some fresh ground Cinnamon on the top and mix it together. The Cinnamon will regulate your blood sugar and help increase your the health of your heart. Lastly add some ground flax seeds to your oatmeal, about a tablespoon or two. Make sure you use ground flax seeds and not the whole seeds themselves because you don't get all of the nutrients with the whole seeds because in order to get all the essential nutrients the seeds must be broken down. You will get a good serving of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are also found in nuts and fish, and additional amounts of fiber (which is always a plus!). To wash that Delicious oatmeal down try having low-sodium V8 Juice, for a serving of vegetables and a cup of coffee or two to put the ! in your day.

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